Saturday, February 28, 2009


I like watching horror films.One of my favorite films is ''CURSE BOG''. This film first of all influences my first-reptilain brain.This film is about the writer who apperars unconscieusly in the place where she wants to get rid of her strees and problems. The dreams full of ghosts changes her life .I do some actions and react on different fragments of the film full of excitement. And this influences my second brain. The events in the film are very tragic and they make me think. Is it possible that we see all that happens in the film to see in real life?, I couldn't find the answer of this question. It seews Ihave to live to find the answer of this question.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Samira,

    This movie sounds very intense! Thanks for sharing it.

    And yes, horror movies are very much about the REPTILIAN brain, right?


    Ha ha.

    Good work. Go DOTCOM!

    Dr. W
